Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are all these crazy courses and school work putting too much stress on students?

Are all these crazy courses and school work putting too much stress on students?
Many students at Harvard Medical School say yes. In a New York Times article, Carey Goldberg wrote about how more and more students are committing suicide from the work load at Harvard. One person said that students at a graduate school having to deal with "apprenticeship-slash-employment-slash-academic financial pressures, significant research pressures, significant teaching obligations... familial issues'' which cause extreme amounts of stress on a student.
There are many stresses that one student goes through especially in college. The most strenuous stress is Academic Stress, which is since college work load is greatly more involved and time cumbersome then in High School. Scheduling issues, difficult tests and other academic obstacles, along with the more independent nature of the college learning structure, create an atmosphere of studying long, hard hours and thus stress. One of the most commonly felt consequences of college stress is a feeling of being overwhelmed. While trying to find a balance of hard work and play. Many college students struggle with perfectionism or unhealthy habits like heavy drinking. I am a high school student and feel like the work load is extremely ridiculous, especially in 11th grade. I have around 4 to 6 hours of homework and studying a night which I think is very stressful. I am also on a sport and in drama which takes up a majority of my free time to do homework. So I know what its like to be under a lot of stress. However instead of doing drugs, drinking or thinking of suicide, I relieve my stress by working out a lot.
School related suicide is becoming a very bad problem in the United States. However, many programs such as suicide hot lines, counseling and relief centers are being set up in colleges and around the communities to prevent these suicides from happening. Maby if schools also cut some of the work loads required, college suicide rates will decrease.

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