Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are aliens real?

Are aliens real? This is a question that everyone has thought about and even considered. Hundreds of shows and television programs are made every year dealing with aliens or beings that exist somewhere throughout space other then earth.
Some are documentaries on UFOs or alien abductions, however, many of these videos are flawed in many ways. The supposedly alien traveling crafts or commonly known UFOs are usually a photoshoped image, a bird, a plane or a camera lens malfunction. Also, most of the alien abduction programs are of people who are mentally insane, unstable or just feel the need to get attention. For example, such cases like "Couple Claims Aliens Abducted, Probed Them" are obviously flawed in their arguments.
Another flaw is that, if aliens did exist, and they abducted people, and placed anal probes in people, wouldn't this be a concern to the nations and the worlds national security. Such places like area 51, which is said the have highly classified information and supposed preserved bodies of outside beings stored away somewhere. I don't think that the world would hide this information from us. Given that the government and secret organizations do keep classified information from the public for the most part, but if an "alien invasion" happened in the world the government would have definitely told the public.
I do believe that it is possible for another world to exist and that life outside the earth on another planet could exist. But, the odds of these so called "aliens" having the technology to come to earth and travel at speeds faster then light is absurd.

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