Monday, April 12, 2010

Medicinal Fried Chicken

It is the third episode of the 14th season of the American animated television series south park. It aired on march 31, 2010. In the episode, the South park KFC is replaced by a medical marijuana dispensary, and cartman gets involved in black market selling the KFC chicken. Meanwhile, Randy Marsh gets a medical referral for marijuana by giving himself testicular cancer, which makes his testicles grow grotesquely huge. The episode was written and directed by series cocreator Trey Parker. It was first broadcasted when Colorado was considering revising state medicinal marijuana laws and restricting fast food eateries. The episode provided social commentary against both types of laws, and suggested legislating lifestyle choices is ineffective and inevitably leads to black markets. The cartman drug market subplot was heavily influenced by the 1983 crime film scareface, with Cartman resembling fictional drug lord Tony Montana and KFC founder Colonel Sanders as antagonist Alejandro Sosa. The episode also included several jokes about Pope Benedict and the child sexual abuse scandals that had been surrounding the Catholic church at the time. The concept of a former KFC resaurant becoming a medicinal marjuana store mirrors that of a real life dispensary.

The tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

The tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs is the second episode of the 14th season on South Park. It Origionally aired on Comedy Central in the united states on March 24, 2010. In the episode, the South Park boys write a vulgar book with the sole purpose of disgusting people. They accuse Butters of writing it, then are enraged when it is hailed as a literary masterpiece. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker, and was rated TVMAL in the United States. t serves as a satire of pop culture criticism, and mocks people who find hidden messages in works where there are none. Some critics suggested Sout Park creators Parker and Matt Stone were implicitly mocking the over analysis of their own show. The episodeincludes other themes, including lack of interest in reading amoung American youths and mocks the idea that a book alone causes people to commit violent crimes. The novel the catcher and the rye by J.D. salenger plays a major part in the episode, as the SouthPark boys are inspired to write their own book when they feel salinger's book does not live up to its controversial reputation. The episode also mocks actress Sarah Jessica Parker and the Kardashian Family from the reality series, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, who are murdered by a crazed reader of Butter's second book. The Tale of Scrotie Mcboogerballs recieved generally positive reviews, with many commentators praising the episodes themes of the over analysis into works of culture, although some said the vomitingjokes were too old and grew redundent.

South park

South park is an american animated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt for the Comedy central television network. Intended for mature audiences,the show has become infamous for its crude, surreal, satirical, and dark humor that lampoons a wide range of topics.The ongoing narrative revolves around 4 children, Stan marsh, Kyle broflovski, Eric Cartman and Kenny Mckormick, and their bizrre adventures in and around the fictional and titular Colorado town. Parker and stone developed the show from two animated shorts they created in 1991 and 1995. The latter became one of the first internet Viral videos, which ultimately led to its productions as a series. South Park debuted on August 13, 1997 with great success, consistently earning the highest ratings of any basic cable program. Subsequent ratings have varied, but the show remains Comedy Central's highest rated and longest running program. A total of 199 episodes have been broadcasted, and the 14 season began airing on March 17, 2010. Parker and Stone, who continue to do most of the writing, directing and voice acting, are under contract to produce 14 new episodes a year through 2013. Their staff creates each episode with computer software that emulates the shows distinct cutout animation style. Following the early success of the series, the feature length musical film South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut had a widespread theatrical release in June 1999. South Park has also recieved numerous media awards including four primetime Emmy Awards. The show has also garnered a Peabody Award for Comedy Central.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The development of Technology

It is the name of a science and technology studies theory describing technology development, developed by Czech philosopher Radovan Richta. According to Richta and later Bloomfield, technology evolves in three stages: tools, machine, automation. This evolution, he says, follows two trends: the replacement of physical labour with more efficient mental labour, and resulting to a greater extent, the degree of control over a person's natural environment, including an ability to transform raw materials into ever more complex products. The emergence of technology, created the way for the first stage: the tool. A tool provides a mechanical advantage in accomplishing a physical task, and must be powered by human or animal effort. Hunter-gatherers developed tools mainly for procuring food. Tools such as a container, spear, arrow, plow, or hammer that augments physical labor to more efficiently achieve his objective. The second technological stage was the creation of the machine. A machine is a tool that substitutes the element of human physical effort, and requires the operator only to control its function. Examples of this include cars, trains, computers, and lights. Machines allow humans to tremendously exceed the limitations of their bodies. The third, and final stage of technological evolution is the automation. The automation is a machine that removes the element of human control with an automatic "algorithm". All three of these stages outline the introduction in the fundamentals of technology.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


As I came home and began to think: With SAT Prep classes, 11th grade and its demanding hours, drama and its monotony, track with its overbearing stress thrusted upon me every single day, a grandma with a vicious thyroid cancer, two other grandparents with severe alsymers, a good friend who jumped in front of a train because of assholes treating him like shit all his life, a dad doing everything to keep his job, a mom who is so stressed out from my grandparents and her job that she needs to come in my room to cry before going out to pick up my my brother from basketball, and another friend with a serious drug problem its hard to feel good about anything. I don't understand how a person can possibly get all their shit done within a 24 hour period. In simple terms, this year sucks.
But I still try to keep a positive output on life and everything else in order to preserve my sanity. I try to get good grades and work my ass off everyday to get away from this hell whole of a life. I used to believe that everything happens for a reason because God predetermines every ones life. But this year has given me a different outlook on the world around me. This so called God, who's said to do everything for the good of people, has given us this shit economy, where people are committing suicide everyday because they can't support their families or themselves and rich corporate executives who sit on their ass and smoke Cuban cigars all day can give their goldfish a Ferrari with their $10 million bonuses. How can there possibly be a God when thousands are dieing a day in Africa from AIDS and starvation. When Haiti is destroyed by an earthquake, and they were so poor before that they can't give medical care or food to 1/4 of the population. When overpopulation is causing the worlds resources to a point where soon they will be dearth. When Antarctica's wildlife is being decimated by their habitat being destroyed by the global warming of the ozone layer in the atmosphere caused from people bullshitting all the time. When murder, stealing, rape and suicide are daily occurrences. The world is so fucked up that even the thought of a God is quiesce and has no purpose. The world is so full of assholes that need to be beat and set on fire. I conclude this rant with somewhat of a moral. I am not saying that my life is bad because it is not bad at all, I consider myself very lucky compared to many other people's shitty lives. When you think, my life sucks right now and no one can compare to my stress level and my terrible life, just look at the world and think of all the people who are suffering and struggling through each day, wondering whether they will live to see the sunset the next morning, then think whether your life is so bad.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Back in 1996, James Cameron announced that he would be creating a film called Avatar, a science-fiction epic that would feature "photo-realistic, computer-generated characters."
He had a treatment for the film, which already defined many things, including the
Na'vi – a primitive alien race standing ten feet tall with shining blue skin, living in harmony with their jungle-covered planet Pandora. Soon after, though, Avatar had to be shelved as the technology of the time could not satisfy the creative desires of the director. The near-900 strong crew spanned across six locations are practically working around the clock to achieve what was deemed impossible a decade earlier. Weta Digital, the New Zealand studio responsible for the groundbreaking visual effects in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and King Kong, is taking VFX to a new level of creative and technological excellence. For Avatar, the studio has created over 1,800 stereoscopic, photo-realistic visual effects shots, many of them of the Na'vi as 'hero' characters. In addition to digital characters and environments are the machines, vehicles, equipment and everything else that help blur the line between imagination and reality.
For animating the digital characters in Avatar, Weta Digital had to develop some key technologies that would simulate realism as accurately as possible. Previously, Weta used relatively simplified muscle-simulation systems to generalise how muscles deformed a character's skin. With Avatar, CG supervisor Simon Clutterbuck led the team to create a more accurate skeletal and muscle-simulation system. For the Na'vi to be believable, realistic facial animation was crucial. The Na'vi experience a wide range of emotions and the facial animation had to convey these in a realistic way.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Christmas, a time of joy, love, friendship, family and presents. People all around the world celebrate this wonderful holiday. Some just want presents, some want to celebrate Christ, some like the Christmas spirit and some like to get off for a week from school. During December, students are counting the days until break almost bursting from the intensity. Music on the radio about Santa and the Christmas toons are heard all throughout the day. In the night, you can see Christmas lights and decorations all around you as if you were in some other world.
People go crazy a week before, shopping and looking for gifts for everyone. Kids sit home, doing nothing but thinking about christmas break and not wanting to do homework or blogs ever again. Everyone is supposed to get along and be nice to eachother because thats the Christmas spirit. Everyone should love eachother or DIEEEE.