Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Colloquial Diction, When is it Necessary?

When is colloquial diction acceptable? When can it be used to make sense? Colloquial diction is used every single day by almost everyone. I, myself have fallen accustom to using it at least 10 times a day and it is a very interesting phenomenon.
Colloquial diction has been used since the beginning of language. Different societies have used different slang terms to mean the same words. There are even dictionaries of slang terms.
But, in past years much of the colloquial diction has derived from racism, and I think that all of these racist slang words have derived from immigration. When the U.S. first started to get ship loads of immigrants from all over the world, cultural clashing began. The reason so many people came to the U.S. was because of the opportunity it offered. Documents such as The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights offered freedoms and opportunities that many people have never dreamed of in other countries. But, there was a price to pay with all of the immigrants coming in, lack of living space, and this caused many different cultures to be very packed together. This in turn caused hate and racism between races thus creating racist slang.
Another argument over colloquial diction is that in schools, many slang words that are created are overused and idiotic. For example, in my school words such as dirt, scrub, grime, and lax are words used as completely different meanings then what they really mean. In my school dirt: is a verb that describes someone who is good or had done something extraordinary. Grime: is someone that steals or cheats off someone for their own benefit. Lax: is another word for Lacrosse, however words such as lax bro work hand in hand. Scrub: is someone who is bad at an activity, but tries to be good. All of these words can be rearranged or formed into sentences such as grime into grime-seed or grime-ski, or dirt into dirty scrub lax bro. All of these idiotic words mean nothing to other schools but to ours its a language and a native tongue to many people.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This is in response to "Understanding the Deadly Flu Virus". In the article, Katherarine Mieszkowski quotes the World Health Organization, "Countries should remain on high alert for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia." I think that the world took the H1N1 virus way to seriously. She stated how Egypt, which has had no cases of infection, took the extraordinary step of attempting to slaughter the country's 300,000 pigs. This honestly is a little extreme and concerning. Countries are going way over the extreme to try and beat the Swine Flu. Studies have shown that the virus killed so much less people then the yearly flu does. In Mexico the outbreak was much more "catastrophic" then in the U.S. However, that's because the living conditions are terrible compared to the U.S. In Mexico, a lot of the food and water, especially in the poorer regions contain a lot of bacteria and viruses such as H1N1. In the U.S., only around 5 people died from the H1N1 virus, and those people were all Senior Citizens or baby's. The Swine Flu is no more then the usual flu or pneumonia, its not an epidemic like Small Pox or Ebola, however the world made it out be like that.

Friday, September 18, 2009

I disagree with Glen Greenwald. I like his way of writing and the way he ranted about his ideas, but his beliefs, and views towards torturing the terrorists was dreadful. The word terrorist reminds me of 9/11, Al Qaeda and that bastard Osama Bin Laden. For all the terrible things he has done, he deserves to have a sword shoved up his rectum, and then get lit on fire.There’s always going to be those people who say that terrorists deserve a second chance and that they don’t deserve to be tortured. Well let’s see how they feel when their family is tortured and killed by a terrorist. I wonder if they would keep to there same viewpoint.The people who think that terrorists don’t deserve to be tortured, have not been directly effected by a disaster such as 9/11, where hundreds of families don’t have a dad, a son, a mom, or a sister because of some terrorist who thinks its cool to ruin hundreds of lives.People in the United States for some reason think that everyone should just get along and be nice to each other and love everyone. Well sorry to say, but most of the world hates us and maybe being nice is not the greatest approach. Studies show that in the world, George Bush was more feared and hated then Osama Bin Laden. People need to realize that some people just aren’t nice and then when the chance strikes, they will hurt you. So for all of the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay Prison, I hope they all get tortured and feel the pain that they have cause others.